-speaking, listening→oral reading fluency→reading。
-oral reading fluency:
-Some listening & speaking activities
1. Find a Partner
-ask questions at least 3 and then find a parter.
ask Ws questions, like age, lucky number (1~10), sports...So we can't be partners/ we are partners.
老師問題設計要narrow down,從80%match降低。
2. Information Gap
-key words: 練聽說→圖片;帶閱讀→單字
3. Definition
4. Questions galore:ice breaking activity, review
-Teacher: Hello, guys, today is my birthday.
Students: Happy birthay!
(Ask questions about this topic)(全班學生站起來,問了問題坐下)
Student: How old are you?
(當問到沒問題問時,Change the topic)(高成就學生也可來回答問題)
-問題設計要倒三角形,narrow down(e.g. Do you like me?→How old are you?/ How many people are there in your family?/How do you go to school?→)
-設計問題,第一個問題以Yes, No問題,可提高相同回答機率。
5. adverbs of Frequency
-practice always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never.
-How often do you...
Some things you help at home, some activities after school, hobbies...
-機會教育:How often do you help your mom do the housework?
6. Picture Talks
-經費許可,每人有一本Picture Dictionary.
-把字彙能力拉上來→Use picture dictionary.
T: Look at the picture, can you see someone jogging there? (S: dad and daughter)
T: Dad and daughter, what are they doing? (S: They are waching birds.)
T: Can you see ducks? What are they doing?
T: What do you think the ducks want?
[About sight word]
-sight words→要會讀會拚。這樣課文80%是會讀的。若加入課文單字→90%理解沒有問題。
-sight words reader教法:
1. 先教sight words, 在教閱讀(bottom-up)
2. 先閱讀,再交sight words(top-down)
-sight words教完,還有phrase,才會進入句子
-word family reader (sight words和phonics要解決,才能處理文本)
[About Reader's Theater]
1. 詮釋
-facial expression, body language, gestures, and interaction are important.
-speech balance: 角色唸的句子要平均
e.g. 角色有Narrator, Fly Guy, Buzz, Chorus(Dog, Frog, Spider)
因為dog, frog, spider只有出現一次,要讓每個人唸的頻率差不多。
-反覆的技巧:a, a+b, a+b+c...
2. 排練
-Puss in Boots (key words reading)
-Reader's Theater來源:Reader's Theater Editions
-teaching high frequency words & phrases
(1) Dolch 220 sight words (5 levels)
(2) Fry 1000 High Frequency Words (10 levels)
(3) 300 Words Kids Need to Read (Scholastic)
(4) 100 Most Common Words: remedial course
(5) Dolch Phrases List
(6) Word family
(7) Phonics Readers and Sight Word Readers
1. 沒想過原來sight word與句子間還有sight word phrases。
2. 對於reader theater有更進一步的了解,