1. 【TBL (task-based learning)】
TBL-task stages分成三階段
1. pre-task→vocabulary
2. main-task→texts, sentences
3. post-task→review
【Pre-task stage}】
1. [What is missing?] 見這篇文章
2. [observation chart]
1. Show picture on the slide, ask Ss to discuss the picture about the following two questions:
a. What do you see?
b. What do you think?
2. 從第一組開始,每位學生皆需站起,回答老師問題後方能坐下。
3. 當問完一組後,詢問別組學生該組學生回答之答案。(如:What does she see? What does he think?)
§ 可將圖片張貼於教室各角落,讓各組學生聚集後討論。
§ 或可發給每位學生學習單,寫下老師詢問時聽到別組的答案。
§ 若學生字彙量不足,需要提供鷹架,則可以將word bank列出相關單字在投影片中。
3. [Listening]
1. 教授完單字後,請分組的學生,將聽到的內容寫在小白板上。
2. 播放對話內容。
3. 呈現投影片:單字挖掉的對話內容。
【Main-task stage】涵蓋以下三面向:
1. 計畫:以組別為單位合作,根據教師提供的資訊和指令準備口頭或書寫任務,在此過程中教師提供協助。
2. 回報:各組將成果展現於全員面前,各組或教師評論。
3. 分析:教師指出特別之處,引導學生找出所學重點。
1. Listing: brainstorming, fact-finding
2. Ordering and Sorting: sequencing, ranking
3. Comparing: matching, finding similarities/ differences
4. Problem-solving: analyzing, reasoning, decision-making
5. Sharing Experience: describe attitudes/ opinions
6. Creative Tasks: ordering, sorting, comparing, problem-solving.
1. 引起學生動機/興趣
2. 注重意義(真實情境結合)
3. 強調溝通
4. 產出結果
1. [matching]
1. 將圖片(數字編號)與單字(字母編號)配對。
2. 默念三秒,將老師指到的單字念出。
3. 將例句挖空,填入單字。
2. [ordering adn sorting] material 南一B5U4
1. discuss with your partner in two minutes:
a. What will you prepare to make a pizza?
b. How do you make a pizza?
2. Ask
3. [Creative tasks]
1. 將文具布置在教室前方。
2. 將學生兩兩分組,互問問題。(如:Where is the pen? Where is the ruler?)
3. 完成學習單。
4. [Tell the short story]
1. 發下學習單,並將聽到的單字寫下。
5. [Asking questions]
1. Ask No.1 in each group to write down the following sentences:
a. Where is Amy?
b. What is Amy doing?
c. Where is the Grandpa?
d. Who is roasting the turkey?
e. How is everyone?
6. [Listing]
1. 分組討論下列兩個問題:
a. What can you think of Christmas?
b. What are something you can do on Christmas?
補充問題:What colors are for Christmas?
Who do you write a Christmas to?
Where do you go and have fun on Christmas?....
2. 老師隨機抽問答案。
7. [Back to the board]
1. 將學生分成兩組,擺放兩張椅子背對黑板。
2. 面對黑板的學生(B)根據PPT的圖片做出相對應動作。
2. 背對黑板的學生(A)坐在椅子上,問面對黑板的學生(B):
a. (A) Are you ____? (B)Yes, I am.
b. (A)Are you ____? (B)No, I’m not.
c. (A)Are you ____? (B)Wrong again.
§指示條(a, b, c)可一組放投影片上,一組貼教室後方,方便每個學生看。
【post-task stage】
1. 協助學生複習所學。
2. 可以成為檢測(形成性評量),幫助教師了解學生的學習狀況。
1. [Text Search]
1. 利用課文對話或閱讀,尋找特定句型。
2. [grammaring]
1. 取自別課教材,請學生糾正文法錯誤。
3. [progressive deleting]
1. 先秀出整句,逐漸增加挖空,
4. [Soft listening]
1. 以文字雲方式呈現,讓學生找出拼錯之單字。